‘The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure.
Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.’ Joseph Campbell
As an experienced group facilitator I love finding entertaining, creative, fun ways to bring about insights and shifts in peoples thinking and behaviour. I design forums and events where people can have evolutionary, life changing conversations and experiences. I believe the sky’s the limit in terms of the creativity one can bring to group work. My philosophy or primary operating principle is to make self-actualisation or personal growth as enjoyable as possible without forgoing any of the depth. I am very happy to design bespoke courses or workshops tailored to meet the particular needs and interests of various groups.
I run workshops, events and courses on a wide range of topics including:
- Tapping Into Your Creativity
- Create the Life You Really Want
- The Alternative Makeover
- The Artist’s Way
- Everyday Abundance
- Play Days for Adults
- The Hero’s Journey
- Philosophical Dinners
- The World is Your Oyster Café
- Talk to Me Dublin
- Personal Development
‘My life has changed dramatically since doing this course. I am on the most amazing journey of my life and am so looking forward to it all. Thank you so much for giving me this chance.’ ― Janet, Retailer